Junior School Theater
I teach Theater 8 at Montgomery Bell Academy and direct/design/compose for the junior school play every January. Sometimes I also assistant direct at Harpeth Hall, down the road.

Student Work and Outreach Projects
The works displayed below are the result of a creative option final project I developed for the mythology general education course at USC. Students were allowed to create a work of art in any medium in lieu of a final essay, as long as they included a brief statement of artistic intent outlining their goals and their interpretations of the source material. All used with permission.

This work uses Liechtenstein-like comic book imagery to emphasize the domestic heroism of Penelope, wife of Odysseus from the Odyssey.

This dance performance interprets and dramatizes the ambiguous motivations and anxieties of Persephone, kidnapped bride of Hades, as found in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter.

Inspired by the Dionysus of Euripides' Bacchae, the mandala emphasizes the eastern roots of the god of wine and ecstasy, interrogating the place of the Dionysian in everyday, Apollonian spaces.

The Narcissus myth as a mermaid story, with a focus on the themes of self-image and reflection. Note that "Nayan" is a palindrome!

Beau organized and instituted LOQUAX, USC's first competition in the declamation of Latin and Ancient Greek.